Opening Hours ALDI - Berri, SA
Holiday Trading Hours 2025 Show
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ALDI, which occupies a prominent site in Riverland Central Plaza, is located at 200 Kay Avenue, approximately a 0.2 km driving distance south-east of the centre of Berri (by Glassey Park and Glossop High School Senior Campus). The store is an added feature to the locales of Monash, Winkie, Renmark, Lyrup, Glossop, Barmera, Gurra Gurra and Berri. Today (Sunday), store hours begin at 9:00 am and continue until 7:00 pm. Refer to this page for information on ALDI Berri, SA, including the opening hours, location description, product ranges and more.
You'll find ALDI easily accessible near the intersection of Derrick Street and Kay Avenue, in Berri, South Australia, at Riverland Central Plaza.
2 minute trip from Riverview Drive, Chilton Road and Old Sturt Highway; or a 4 minute trip from Bookpurnong Road and Jury Road.
The address to use on your GPS navigator systems is 200 Kay Avenue, Berri, SA 5343.
If traveling by foot there is Big River Golf and Country Club Berri, Berri Hospital, Berri Primary School, Martin Bend Reserve and Monash Adventure Park.
There is presently 1 ALDI supermarket operating in Berri, South Australia.
Click here to visit a complete directory of ALDI locations near Berri.
When shopping at ALDI, please be sure to go see the additional fine stores at Riverland Central Plaza. At this centre you may also find Target, ALDI, Kmart and Pets Domain.
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